Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security Jack J. Mwiimbu has called on cooperating partners to join hands with Government in the rehabilitation and construction of Corrections and Prison Centres around the country.
The Minister said the infrastructure of Prisons and Correctional Centres remains a challenge for humane human habitation.
“I must say here that most of the Correctional Centres in Zambia are in a deplorable state and not fit for human habitation.
Therefore, I appeal to our cooperating partners to join hands with Government in rehabilitating or constructing the Centres.” Mr. Mwiimbu said.
And Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe SC, who expressed concern over the high levels of congestion, was grateful with the Presidential Pardon of 45 mothers with circumstantial children at the commemoration of Zambia’s 59th Independence Anniversary.
The two Ministers were speaking at the launch of the Prisons and Correctional Centers Audit Report at Mulungushi International Conference Center. The Audit of Correctional Centres was conducted in partnership with the European Union, the Germany Government and GIZ among other state and none-state actors.
Meanwhile Executive Director for the Prisons Care and Counselling Association (PRISCCA) Godfrey Malembeka implored government and cooperating partners to continue providing the much-needed support in transforming the criminal justice system in Zambia.
Mr. Malembeka, who is also an ex-inmate, is hopeful that the recommendations in the Audit report will be useful tools in correctional management.
Most of the Prisons and Correctional Centres were built in the precolonial era through to the post-independence days for purely punishment hence the need to construct modern Centres in-line with the paradigm shift which focuses on rehabilitation, reformation and reintegration of inmates.
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