The Registrar of Societies is a Department under the Ministry of Home Affairs and exists under the Societies Act Chapter 119 of the Laws of Zambia formerly established as an Ordinance Act of 1957. The Act provides for the better control of Societies by Registration and Supervision as well as provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto

Mandate of the Department



The mandate of the Department is derived from the Societies Act Cap 119 of the Laws of Zambia. The Act provides for the Registration and Supervision of Societies .According to the Societies Act, a “society” means any club, company, partnership or other association of ten or more persons, whatever its nature or objective.The Department Registers societies in the  following  categories:   Political Party, Pressure Group, Professional Association, Religious Group, Community Service Society       ,CulturalGroup/Sports Women/Youth/Club/Farmers Group

Functions of the Centre


The function of the office of the Registrar of Societies is to register all societies in        the country in order to provide for the better control and supervision in accordance with the Societies Act CAP 119 of the Laws of Zambia. The following are the objectives of the Department:

  1. To effectively and efficiently register the societies in order for them to operate legally;
  2. To effectively monitor and regulate the operations of registered societies in order to enforce the provisions of Societies Act CAP 119 of the laws of Zambia;
  3. To maintain an efficient and effective record management system for easy retrieval of information in order to improve service delivery;
  4. To promote and disseminate information on the operations of the office so as to promote good liaison and collaboration with clients/public; and
  5. To initiate amendments to some provisions of the Societies Act in order to conform to the prevailing circumstances



The Mission statement of the Office of the Registrar of Societies is ‘’ to effectively and efficiently register and regulate societies in Zambia and         to enhance good governance in the nation’’.


  1. Ammendments.
  2. Annual Returns.
  3. Annual Return with Amendments
  4. Cancellation of Registration
  5. Exemption form Registration of a Society
  6. Filling Documents.
  7. Issuance of Duplicate Certificate
  8. Registration of a Branch of an Exempted Society.
  9. Registration of Society
  10. Reinstatement Registration
  11. Search and Examination of Registers
  12. Society Name Reservation